Epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent epileptic seizures, affects millions worldwide, significantly impacting their quality of life. Though most patients take antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), many patients experience drug-resistant seizures [1]. As a result, researchers and individuals continue to explore alternative treatments. Among these, cannabis-based medications have garnered significant attention [2]. This article aims to debunk common myths about cannabis and epilepsy while examining its potential benefits and the latest research findings.

Common myths about cannabis and epilepsy

Myth: Cannabis is a cure-all for epilepsy.

One prevalent myth is that cannabis can universally cure epilepsy. While some patients have experienced positive effects from cannabinoid-based medications, such as reduced seizure frequency, others have had different experiences. Notably, scientific evidence supports the efficacy of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of cannabis, for certain types of epilepsy including Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes. Thus, the FDA has approved a CBD-based medication (Epidiolex) for these conditions. However, not all epilepsy patients respond similarly, and more research is needed to understand its full potential and limitations [3].

Guide to CBD

Myth: All cannabis products have the same effect.

Cannabis products vary widely in their composition, and different components cause different results, particularly related to the levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD. THC is the psychoactive component in cannabis. CBD has shown promise in reducing certain types of seizures without the psychoactive effects [4]. This distinction is crucial for epilepsy patients seeking treatment options. For instance, Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication, has received FDA approval for treating seizures in Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, demonstrating its therapeutic potential [3]. Even so, individuals should consult a physician about whether this treatment is appropriate for a specific seizure disorder.

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Myth: Cannabis use is always safe.

While medical cannabis can be beneficial for many, it comes with risks. For example, potential adverse effects include liver enzyme alterations, drug interactions, and increased or decreased appetite [5]. Therefore, it is essential for epilepsy patients to use cannabis only under medical supervision, ensuring appropriate dosage and monitoring for any adverse events. Additionally, experts recommend regular liver function tests to track any potential liver enzyme changes due to heavy cannabis use [6].

Scientific research on cannabis and epilepsy

Historical studies

Early research on cannabis and epilepsy included anecdotal evidence and small-scale studies [7]. However, the evolution of scientific interest has led to more rigorous clinical trials, particularly focusing on CBD. Notably, these initial studies indicate that CBD might help control seizures, paving the way for more comprehensive research [8].

Recent clinical trials

Recent clinical trials have provided more robust evidence of CBD’s efficacy for certain types of seizures. For example, studies have shown significant promise among participants in human trials.  These trials often compare a CBD group with a placebo group, revealing the specific impact of CBD on seizure control [8]. As a result of these trials, the FDA has approved Epidiolex [2].

Mechanisms of action

The exact mechanisms by which cannabis affects seizures are still being studied. However, scientists know CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, particularly cannabinoid receptors, influencing neurotransmitter release and modulating nerve cells’ activity. This interaction may help reduce seizure frequency and severity, although the precise pathways remain under investigation [9].

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Potential benefits of cannabis for epilepsy patients

Reduction in seizure frequency and severity

Clinical trials that led to the drug Epidiolex have demonstrated that CBD may lead to a significant reduction in seizure frequency and severity, especially in patients with certain types of drug-resistant epilepsy. For instance, studies involving children and young adults with Dravet syndrome reported substantial improvements, with some achieving a seizure-free state [10]. Even so, those who suffer from these conditions should seek advice from a physician before taking CBD.

Improvement in quality of life

Beyond seizure control, medical cannabis has shown the potential to improve the overall quality of life for many people. By alleviating secondary symptoms such as stress, cannabis use can potentially enhance well-being [11]. However, before taking any cannabis product, individuals should discuss potential drug interactions and efficacy with a healthcare professional.

Personalized treatment approaches with medical cannabis

Medical cannabis allows for personalized treatment strategies for various wellness concerns tailored to individual needs and conditions. Notably, some physicians adjust dosages and formulations to optimize outcomes, integrating cannabis with other medications [12].

Legal and regulatory considerations

The current legal status of medical cannabis

The legal status of medical cannabis varies by region, impacting accessibility for patients, including epilepsy patients. In the United States, cannabis remains classified as a Schedule I drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration, although hemp-derived CBD products with 0.3% Delta-9 THC or less are federally legal [13]. This disparity creates challenges in ensuring consistent access to quality medical cannabis for many.

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Prescription and use guidelines

Physicians’ knowledge and adherence to guidelines are crucial for the safe use of medical cannabis. For example, proper dosing, monitoring for drug interactions, and regular liver function tests are essential to mitigate risks. The National Institute on Drug Abuse and other institutions continue to study and refine these guidelines [14].

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Earthy Now’s premium hemp-derived products

These popular hemp-derived products provide the industry’s cleanest and strongest CBD, CBN, CBG, CBC, CBDv, and CBDA products, with only trace amounts of Delta-9 THC  (no more than 0.3%). As always, Earthy Now provides the perfect balance of cannabinoids while ensuring low THC levels per federal guidelines. Customers report various effects, from clear-headed alertness and energy to relaxation.

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Future directions in research and treatment for epileptic seizures

Ongoing and upcoming studies

Research on cannabis and epilepsy is ongoing, with several promising studies in progress. These studies aim to explore new formulations, delivery methods, and combinations with other therapies to enhance effectiveness and safety [3]. For instance, GW Pharmaceuticals is conducting trials on various cannabis-based medications for epilepsy and other conditions [15]. In the meantime, patients should follow the guidance of physicians to treat epilepsy.

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Challenges and opportunities

Barriers to research, such as legal restrictions and limited funding, hinder the advancement of knowledge in this field. However, increasing acceptance and FDA approval of cannabis-derived medications open new opportunities for innovation and improved treatments.

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Key takeaway: cannabis and epilepsy have a complex relationship

In conclusion, while CBD-based Epidiolex shows promise in treating certain types of epilepsy, it is not a universal solution. Debunking myths and understanding cannabis’s potential benefits requires a careful examination of the facts. As research progresses, personalized and medically supervised cannabis treatments may offer hope for patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. Continued education, advocacy, and research are essential to realize the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis fully.

Visit Earthy Now and explore high CBD, low THC cannabis products for optimal wellness!

Learn more: The Safety of CBD Oil for Pets: What You Need to Know

Medical Disclaimer / Legal Disclaimer – Information is provided for educational purposes. It does not and is not intended to constitute legal advice or medical advice. We attempt to be accurate and up-to-date, but the legality of cannabinoids and the science of cannabis are evolving. The author is neither a legal professional nor a medical expert. Before buying or using any products, you should check with your local authorities and medical providers.


  1. Seizure Types, Symptoms, and Treatment Options
  2. What Does FDA Approval of Epidiolex (CBD Oral Solution) Mean?
  3. Medical Cannabis CBD
  4. Alcohol and Marijuana: Effects on Epilepsy and Use by Patients with Epilepsy
  5. Cannabis and Other Medications: Proceed with Caution
  6. Possible Hepatotoxicity of Chronic Marijuana Usage
  7. Cannabis and Epilepsy: An Ancient Treatment Returns to the Fore
  8. Study Reveals How Cannabidiol Counters Epileptic Seizures
  9. Proposed Mechanisms of Action with CBD and Epilepsy
  10. Epileptic Seizure Reduction – FDA-Approved Treatment Option
  11. Cannabis Does Relieve Stress, But Only at Low Doses
  12. Is It Legal for Doctors to Prescribe Medical Cannabis?
  13. State-by-State Medical Marijuana Laws
  14. In-Depth Studies of Addiction

Frequently Asked Questions

Research has shown that certain types of epilepsy, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, might respond well to CBD treatment. The FDA has approved a CBD-based medication, Epidiolex, for these conditions [2]. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which regulates various functions, including certain types of seizure activity. For example, Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome sometimes respond well to CBD treatment.  While the exact mechanisms are still being studied, CBD is thought to help stabilize nerve cells and reduce seizure frequency in these specific types of epilepsy [8].

No, most likely not – but research is ongoing. Cannabis products can vary widely in their content and effects.