Cannabis topicals have emerged as a popular option for those seeking relief without the psychoactive effects typically associated with smoking or ingesting cannabis. These products, which include lotions, balms, creams, salves, and even transdermal patches, are designed to go directly onto the skin. As a result, many claim localized relief from pain, inflammation, and skin conditions. But do these products really work? As research continues, experts weigh in with differing opinions [1]. Thus, as cannabis consumers become more informed about the potential benefits of topicals, it’s important to explore the science behind them.

Understanding cannabis topicals

Cannabis topicals are products infused with cannabinoids like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). Unlike other cannabis products that individuals ingest or smoke, cannabis topicals are applied topically. In other words, they are applied directly to the skin. As a result, this absorption allows the cannabinoids to interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) without entering the bloodstream. This way, individuals can avoid the psychoactive effects associated with THC [2].

Most topicals comprise natural ingredients such as essential oils and other compounds that enhance the absorption and effectiveness of the cannabinoids. For example, Earthy Now’s potent CBD topicals offer many wellness benefits. Cannabis topicals often feature a combination of THC and CBD, which work together to provide a broad spectrum of potential wellness benefits.

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Premium sources for cannabis topicals and other products

For cannabis enthusiasts seeking the best topicals and other reliable cannabis products, Earthy Now has something for everyone. Indeed, these products are the industry’s cleanest and strongest, with only trace amounts of Delta-9 THC per federal law.

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Theories on how cannabis topicals work

1. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS):

The ECS plays a crucial role in regulating various physiological processes, including pain, inflammation, and skin health. As such, it comprises cannabinoid receptors (primarily CB1 and CB2), endogenous cannabinoids (endocannabinoids), and enzymes that synthesize and degrade these molecules. Thus, when an individual applies cannabis topicals, the cannabinoids in the product interact with the ECS receptors in the skin, particularly CB2 receptors. Notably, there are more of these receptors in peripheral tissues like the skin. Ultimately, some researchers claim this interaction can potentially help modulate inflammation and pain in the localized area where the person applies the topical [3].

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2. Absorption and skin penetration:

The skin acts as a barrier, but it is also porous enough to absorb certain molecules. Therefore, cannabis topicals are absorbed through the skin’s layers—the epidermis and dermis—without reaching the bloodstream. Notably, this localized absorption is key to the theory regarding topicals’ function, as it may allow for targeted relief without the systemic effects typically felt when THC or CBD enters the bloodstream [4].

However, transdermal patches are an exception to this rule, as they penetrate deeper into the skin and deliver cannabinoids into the bloodstream for broader effects [5].

3. The role of terpenes and other compounds:

Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in cannabis and other plants that contribute to the entourage effect. Theoretically, the entourage effect explains how cannabinoids and terpenes work synergistically to enhance each other’s effects. Therefore, in cannabis topicals, terpenes may enhance the skin’s absorption of cannabinoids and provide additional wellness benefits [6]. However, other theorists counter these findings, suggesting that terpenes do not influence wellness effects [7].

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Potential benefits of cannabis topicals

1. Pain relief:

Many users of cannabis topicals report benefits having to do with pain relief. However, the evidence to support these anecdotal reports may be inconclusive. For example, THC topicals, in particular, are noted for their purported analgesic properties, while CBD topicals may work by soothing the affected area. Researchers suggest that because these products are applied directly to the skin, they offer localized relief without the mind-altering effects associated with other forms of THC consumption [8].

To counter these theories, other researchers point out that the evidence supporting claims that cannabis topicals provide pain is insufficient. Some suggest that the ability of these products to reduce pain comes from the placebo effect. Thus, individuals interested in these types of products should weigh all the evidence and consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance [9].

2. Skin conditions:

Many individuals use cannabis topicals for their potential to treat various skin conditions. But do they work? Some researchers suggest that the properties of cannabis can help. They point to the interaction between cannabinoids and the ECS in the skin. Additionally, they argue that the use of natural ingredients in these topicals, such as essential oils and other soothing compounds, may further support skin health and healing [10].

However, skeptics of these arguments encourage caution when using cannabis topicals, stating that there is not enough evidence to substantiate these claims [9].

3. Muscle relaxation and recovery:

Athletes and individuals with muscle soreness often turn to cannabis topicals for relief. For example, products like THC cream or CBD-infused balms may help relax muscles and speed up recovery after intense physical activity. Moreover, the localized application allows for targeted treatment, making these topicals a popular choice for those seeking relief [11].

Even so, other researchers caution that these outcomes have more to do with the placebo effect than the effectiveness of the cannabinoids. Therefore, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for expert opinions [12].

4. Anti-inflammatory properties?

Inflammation is a common underlying factor in many chronic conditions. But, can cannabis topicals really reduce inflammation? There are arguments on both sides. Some experts claim that the anti-inflammatory effects of cannabinoids are well-documented in research, and cannabis can provide direct relief without systemic side effects [13]. However, others argue that cannabis does not have sufficiently documented evidence to conclude it acts as an anti-inflammatory or offers pain relief [14].

Current research and scientific evidence

The science behind cannabis topicals is still emerging, but existing research provides promising insights. For example, studies have shown that cannabinoids like THC and CBD may help modulate various bodily systems when applied topically. However, there are limitations to the research, particularly regarding the variability in product formulations and the need for standardized dosing [4].

Anecdotal evidence and user testimonials also play a role in understanding the effectiveness of cannabis topicals. For instance, many users report positive experiences with topical products like those from Earthy Now, which consistently feature high ratings for skin-soothing properties. While anecdotal evidence should be taken with caution, it does provide valuable insights into the real-world applications of these products.

Safety and side effects

1. General safety profile:

Typically, experts consider cannabis topicals safe for most users, especially since they do not enter the bloodstream and therefore avoid systemic effects. However, individuals with sensitive skin or allergies to certain ingredients used in topicals should exercise caution [1].

2. Potential side effects:

The most common side effect of cannabis topicals is skin irritation, which may occur in individuals with allergies to certain ingredients. Thus, it’s important to test a small area of skin before applying the product more broadly. Additionally, while topicals are unlikely to interact with other medications, individuals should consult with a healthcare provider if they have any concerns [15].

Legal and regulatory considerations

The legality of cannabis topicals varies by region, depending on the local laws governing THC and CBD products. For instance, in areas where cannabis is legal, customers can usually access these types of topicals. However, in regions with stricter regulations, consumers may face limitations in accessing these products [16]. Thus, it’s crucial for cannabis consumers to purchase from reputable sources, like Earthy Now, that provide third-party testing and clear labeling to ensure they receive a safe and effective product.

Key takeaway: leading theories about cannabis topicals

According to many theories, cannabis topicals offer a promising avenue for localized skin relief. However, other theorists claim that cannabis may not offer this type of relief. While the science behind how these topicals work is still evolving, the existing research and user experiences highlight insights about their potential benefits. As more researchers experiment and regulations around cannabis products continue to evolve, cannabis topicals will likely stick around.

For those interested in exploring the benefits of cannabis topicals, choose products that are well-formulated and lab-tested. Visit Earthy Now for soothing cannabis topicals and other premium cannabis products!

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Medical Disclaimer / Legal Disclaimer – Information is provided for educational purposes. It does not and is not intended to constitute legal advice or medical advice. We attempt to be accurate and up-to-date, but the legality of cannabinoids and the science of cannabis are evolving. The author is neither a legal professional nor a medical expert. Before buying or using any products, you should check with your local authorities and medical providers.


  1. Topical Cannabidiol (CBD) in Skin Pathology
  2. The Skin and Natural Cannabinoids–Topical and Transdermal Applications
  3. Topical Cannabidiol is Well Tolerated for Pain Management
  4. CBD For Inflammation: Does It Really Work?
  5. The Ultimate Guide to THC Transdermal Patches
  6. Topical Entourage: Benefits of Terpenes in Cannabis-Infused Topicals
  7. Terpenoids From Cannabis Do Not Mediate an Entourage Effect by Acting at Cannabinoid Receptors
  8. CBD for Arthritis Pain: What You Should Know
  9. For Pain Relief, Cannabis May Be No Better Than a Placebo
  10. Cannabinoids and Their Receptors in Skin Diseases
  11. Cannabis Use for Exercise Recovery in Trained Individuals: A Survey Study
  12. Topical Cannabidiol and the Progression Rate of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness
  13. This is How Cannabis Effectively Eases Inflammation
  14. Is THC Really Anti-Inflammatory? (Debunking Myths)
  15. CBD for Skin: What to Know
  16. Is CBD Legal in All States?
  17. Cannabis Topical Cream: How and When to Use It
  18. What Are Cannabis Topicals?

Frequently Asked Questions

Typically, individuals should apply cannabis topicals directly to clean dry skin over the area they want to treat. Then, they should massage the product gently into the skin until it is fully absorbed. However, it’s important to follow the instructions on the product label for the best results [17].

The legality of cannabis topicals depends on your location and the specific regulations regarding THC and CBD products. Fortunately, in many areas where cannabis is legal, these topicals are available. However, it’s important to check local laws and ensure you’re purchasing from a reputable source [16].

No, cannabis topicals are not intended to get you high. Unlike ingesting or smoking cannabis, topicals travel through the skin and do not reach the bloodstream. As a result, they don’t produce the psychoactive effects typically associated with THC [18].